Friday, September 25, 2009

Surgery Date

After our appointment on Tuesday I was feeling pretty good. We had all the information we needed and her doctors gave us confidence that once the surgery was complete it would simply be a blip in Lucy's life story.

But now I feel we've been let down a little bit.

When we first discovered that Lucy may have sagittal synostosis we were quickly rushed into tests and into additional clinic appointments. We were told that time was very important. Dr. Wood himself told us that most of the babies he operates on with Lucy's same condition are four months old. Lucy was already five months at the consultation.

We were also told that Lucy's surgery needed to take place between four and six months of age.

We were told not to worry. She's within the range. It will be fine.

Then I received the surgery date call on Wednesday.

November 16.

Lucy will be seven months on November 24. SEVEN months.

I expressed my concerns to Dr. Wood's assistant and she seemed to understand. But the problem, you see, is that Dr. Wood is out of the country for most of October. She told me she would bring up my points to Dr. Wood and call me the next day.

She called me yesterday and said she spoke to Dr. Wood and he said November 16 would be "juuuuuuuust fine."

So now I feel as if we've been misled on one end or the other. Either it isn't as important as they first told us that Lucy has this surgery prior to her being six months...

...OR... IS important but because Dr. Wood's schedule doesn't permit suddenly seven months isn't too bad.

Dr. Wood is the specialist and he seems very dedicated to his work so I have to trust that he wouldn't get into a situation he didn't think was right. But I just hope he isn't gambling at the sake of my daughter.

My other cause for concern is that Lucy will be a whole two months older by the time the surgery date rolls around. Veteran parents out there know how much a baby changes in two month's time.

Lucy has already started rolling over and she's desperately trying to crawl. Once the surgery is complete Lucy will have a pronounced soft spot on her head that, we're told, will take two months to close. A younger baby wouldn't have to worry too much about injuring it because they aren't yet mobile. But it's a whole different ball game for a seven- to nine-month-old.

Brian and I are planning on having a second conversation with Dr. Wood on the new set of implications this poses based on her age at the scheduled date of surgery.

I'm hoping to come out of that conversation with either a renewed sense of confidence or a new surgery date. I think the latter is a far stretch so I'm praying for the first one.

1 comment:

Liz said...

oh, that little angel is in my prayers each night. i can only IMAGINE the thoughts/fears/frustrations running through your heads over this! the joy of being a parent, huh?! just know we're thinking of you guys & praying for lucy.

love, liz