Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day 4

Last night was a bit of a roller coaster.

If you've ever had surgery or something similar you know how awesome it is to start feeling a little bit normal. That's how our Lucy girl was last night. She was laughing and giggling and want to jump-jump while standing on our lap.

So we went without her dose of Oxycodone thinking that maybe the Tylenol and ibuprofen would be enough.

But then 10:30 rolled around and she started to have the saddest cry in the world complete with the big lip and real tears. So I requested the Oxycodone again and within twenty minutes she was sound asleep.

The same thing happened at 3:00 a.m. She woke up, I fed her, gave her Tylenol and ibuprofen but it just wasn't doin' it for her. So at 3:30 I again requested the Oxycodone for her. I know a fussy Lucy and this was not her. This was a Lucy that was hurting.

Kids are resilient and our Lucy girl has been no exception. But I think we'll have to keep reminding ourselves that she did just have head surgery a few days ago and she deserves to have that pain managed.

She woke up this morning in great spirits. The swelling has reduced. Her right eye is wide open and she's able to get her left eye open to a slit.

The nurse came in this morning and gave her a warm bath which she loved. She's resting comfortably right now and we're just waiting for the neuro team to make their rounds so that hopefully we'll get an a-OK to go home today! We'll keep you posted.

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